Featuring the towns of Carrboro, Chapel Hill, Hillsborough plus UNC-Chapel Hill

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Laurie Paolicelli
Laurie Paolicelli

Laurie Paolicelli is Executive Director for the Chapel Hill/Orange County Visitors Bureau, a position she has held since 2005. Paolicelli has written many travel and lifestyle stories which have been published in national publications. She is a native of the Great Lakes area and holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Business and Communications. Paolicelli resides in Chapel Hill.

Staying on Top of The Midway

Some call it Midway; some call it Chapel Boro; we call it cool. It’s in and around Graham Street, and for those who haven’t been there already, make up for your mistake as soon as possible, and those who have been, go back! College town’s have a little bit of everything. They’re a dash of gritty, a…

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Countdown to Fall in Chapel Hill and Orange County

A Letter Re: Autumn in Orange County, North Carolina Dear Autumn, We miss you. We miss the cool breezes, the sun so soft on our skin, and the watercolor extravaganza that is a tree. As the temps dip and the days get shorter, what was once a carpet of the deepest green becomes a backdrop to every…

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Welcome to the Midway

The Chapel Hill-Carrboro border, one block east of where Franklin Street melds into Main Street, is home to a concentration of creative energy and retro-innovation where the businesses are chic –…

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