Featuring the towns of Carrboro, Chapel Hill, Hillsborough plus UNC-Chapel Hill

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Chapel Hill is located in central North Carolina within 20 miles of the RDU International Airport.  Amtrak and Bus Stations are within 30 minutes of downtown Chapel Hill.  Also two major Interstates (I-40 and I-85) pass through Orange County.  Once you are here, the in-town bus transit system is fare free and numerous taxi companies service the area.  Our towns are known for their walkability and are bicycle friendly; bicycle rentals are available. Look for parking and maps to help you navigate the area safely and efficiently.

Orange Public Transportation
Office is open Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm. (919) 245-2008. Transit options include public bus routes, pick-up and drop-off for the disabled and elderly, and transportation to senior centers. The Orange Bus provides transportation to locations within and outside Orange County. The Hillsborough Circulator Bus provided by the Town of Hillsborough and Orange County runs Monday-Friday, 8am––5pm, with 24 stops around town. OPT also provides midday service to major origins in Hillsborough, Cedar Grove (Northern Orange) and Chapel Hill - Orange-Chapel Hill Connector Route