All of the town and county governments in Orange County, NC have called for the repeal of HB2 which was passed by the NC General Assembly and signed into law by Gov. Pat McCrory March 23, 2016 . Orange County's Board of Commissioners in advance of HB2 also passed a resolution in support of the Non-Discrimination policy implemented by the Charlotte City Council. Below you will find the Visitor Bureau's press release welcoming all LBGT travelers to our community as well as links to Carrboro, Chapel Hill and Hillsborough's official calls for repeal of HB2 as well as other information.
The Chapel Hill & Carrboro, NC Communities: A great destination for LGBT travelers
Town of Carrboro Calls for Repeal of HB2 (March 26, 2016)
Town of Chapel Hill Calls for Repeal of HB2 (March 28, 2016)
Town of Hillsborough Calls for Repeal of HB2 (April 11, 2016)
Orange County NC Board of Commissioners Call for Repeal of HB2 (April 19, 2016)
Protestors Oppose HB2 - Block Franklin Street
HB2 Has Hurt Orange County, NC's Tourism Industry (April 20, 2016) - Column by Laurie Paolicelli, Orange County Community Relations & Tourism Director